Friday, April 3, 2009

Famous people in interview

William the Conqueror — I know I have a reputation for hostile takeovers,
but I like to think of them as friendly mergers.

Captain Kirk — I boldly took my department where no one had gone before.

Joan of Arc — I may look a little wet behind the ears, but I defeated the world’s
greatest army, liberated my country, changed the course of history, and my last
boss called me a saint.

Sauron — I am proud of my management skills. I like to think I keep a good
eye on my employees.

Isaac Newton — My last boss thought I took direction well. I didn’t need to
be hit on the head to do something.

Genghis Khan — My primary talent is downsizing. On my last job I downsized
my staff, my organization, and the populations of a number of countries.

Dracula — I sucked everything I could out of my employees, but I got them to
produce. No mean feat since I could only work the night shift.

Pharaoh (Ramses II) — My main accomplishment? My entire labor force
walked out on me, but I still produced.

Robin Hood — My financial management experience? Some may consider
it stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, but I saw it as creative

Archimedes — I can do whatever floats your boat.

George Washington — If I can lead a successful rebellion and a fledgling
country, I’m sure I can lead your insignificant department.

Christopher Columbus — You bet I can open new markets for your company.
Put me on the road, and I’ll discover a world of opportunity, the likes of
which you’ve never seen.

Napoleon Bonaparte — Okay, I’ll start today in the mailroom, but tomorrow . . .
the world.

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